What Human Design and Gene Keys have taught me about my anxiety

On my walk this morning, I had an epiphany. I realized that my lifelong struggle with anxiety stemmed from the first seven years of my life…and it’s all there in my Design.

I have Gate 52 activated in my design—one of the gates in the Root Center. For me, Gate 52 was activated by Unconscious Venus, which in the Gene Keys system is the source of the “spiritual wound” I experienced during the first seven years of my life. Our spiritual wound sets up the story line for our life, and without recognizing and healing the story, our lives are victim to the lower, Shadow frequency of that activation. For Gate 52, the shadow frequency is Stress.

From what I can remember, the first seven years of my life were incredibly stressful for a child who is hypersensitive. I experienced a huge amount of change with, one by one, all four of my much older siblings, leaving home to start their own lives. By the time I was five, I was an only child. They had all left, married and started their own families. I was heartbroken and lonely, not understanding, as a five-year-old, why they had left me all alone.

My whole life I have struggled with managing my stress, dealing with chronic nervousness and anxiety, and at times dropping into depression—the other side of anxiety.

Several years ago, I spent a year studying Vedic Science at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, where I learned Ayurveda, the ancient framework of health. Ayurveda states that each person is born with some combination of three “doshas,” that make up our basic constitution*: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Me being thin and quick all of my life, I discovered that I have a fair amount of Vata in my constitution.

Vata is all about movement and air. Vata people are wiry, quick, thin, learn fast but forget fast, and are prone to poor digestion and sleep. The seat of Vata is in the gut—the lower part of the digestive system. When Vata is “out of balance,” it causes anxiety, nervousness, and digestive issues. Stress and poor diet aggravate Vata.

But it wasn’t until I had the epiphany on my morning walk, that I made the connection between my anxiety, my Vata tendencies, my childhood, my health and Gate 52!

Three months ago, I was diagnosed with Leaky Gut, a condition that I’ve struggled with off and on for years. (In January I wrote about Leaky Gut—excessive gut permeability—and what causes it.) I was recommended a specific diet and supplement protocol for nine weeks. The protocol recommended a Paleo diet—no processed foods, sugar, legumes (beans), grains or dairy. While I’ve been dairy and gluten free for years, I still ate grains and legumes even though they frequently gave me gastric distress.

I get pretty serious about following recommended protocols for my health. I dove in, cutting out all baked goods, sports gels and drinks, and the few remaining processed foods that I still enjoyed (I have had a serious potato chip addiction for most of my life). After getting my certification as a Culinary Nutrition Expert last December**, I had no trouble creating loads of yummy and nutritious meals that met my Paleo diet criteria. I added daily time outdoors and strength training to help me balance my overabundance of Vata by increasing my Kapha energy (Kapha qualities are solid, calm, steady and strong).

My gut and digestion have improved enormously! And, I’m calmer. My sleep is deeper and more restful. I laugh a lot more. I’ve slowed down. I take time to listen to the birds and look at the flowers and trees. My mind is clearer. I’m just happier and more at ease. I feel more grounded and solid.

Contemplating all of this on my morning walk was when I made the connection with my Human Design and Gene Keys. The gift quality of Gate 52 is Mountain! Healing my gut—the seat of Vata—helped me to move from being a Victim of Stress to the Gift of Mountain—strong, solid, peaceful, present, patient.

For over a year I have been exploring the question of whether there is a physical connection between our Human Design and Gene Keys. I wondered if the ancient system of health—Ayurveda—was a key to unlock this connection. At least for me, I have discovered a direct connection between the activations in my DNA—my Human Design—and my health.

My working theory is that there’s a similar connection for everyone. If I am correct, then linking Ayurveda to Human Design and Gene Keys can give us a system of diagnosis for improving our health and lifestyle to help us move out of our victim frequencies and into our gift frequencies!

I’m excited to explore this further! If you would like to as well, let’s talk! We can look at your Human Design and Gene Keys alongside your Ayurvedic doshas and health situation to see if there’s a connection. Use this link to schedule a call or send me an email to set up a time for a chat. I would love to explore this possibility with you!

* “Vpk® Dosha Quiz Explanation: Maharishi Ayurveda Products.” Maharishi Ayurveda Products International. The Art and Science of Health, www.mapi.com/doshas/vpk-explanation.html.

**Want to know more? Click here to read about my new program to help you makeover your diet to support optimum health.

Common Culinary Herbs for Your Immune System

There have been mountains of articles and posts on how to stay healthy and practice social-distancing during this pandemic, but I’ve only seen a few articles on how to support our bodies’ immune systems to keep us healthy and resilient.

I will be sharing with you recipes, practices and information on how to utilize common foods, herbs and spices to make easy, nourishing, healing foods that support your health and vitality. When we are under stress, our immune system is challenged, making it even more important to incorporate healing and nourishing foods to stay strong, calm and healthy.

Nature has provided us with many foods, herbs and spices that boost and support our immune systems and gut. With at least 70% of your immune system in your gut, it’s critical to take care of your gut’s health as well as support your overall immune system.

In my last post, The Road to Health, I shared a list of foods that heal the gut and foods to avoid. Focusing on the foods to favor will help your gut to heal, reduce inflammation, and support your immune system. I even provide a smoothie recipe you can try, which is quick, yummy and uses easy-to-find ingredients.

Many culinary herbs not only enrich your meals but have powerful healing properties. They can support your immune and respiratory systems, aid digestion and boost immunity. Here are three that you likely already have in your pantry.

Thyme: long known for its healing properties, this culinary herb can help a sore throat, improve bronchitis symptoms, reduce coughing from upper respiratory infections, boost immunity, ease stomach distress, and reduce inflammation. Its oil is even used in mouthwashes to kill germs. It’s thought to have antibacterial and antifungal properties.  

Lemon Balm: while culinary uses are varied, its traditional medicinal use was to lift the spirits by easing nervousness, anxiety, depression and insomnia. It can aid digestion and act as an antihistamine. It is also recognized as an antiviral and antibacterial herb.

Fennel: one of the more widely used culinary and medicinal plants, fennel is most commonly used to aid digestion and help the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal system. Fennel essential oil has been shown to contain more than 87 volatile compounds including antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties.

You can make a healing tea* by steeping 1 teaspoon of each of the above dried herbs in 10-oz of hot water, letting them steep covered for 10-15 minutes to make the tea “more medicinal.” Adding a little raw honey when the tea is just cool enough to drink can boost the antiviral, antibacterial and antimicrobial benefits.

Raw Unfiltered Unpasteurized Honey: In this form, raw honey has many health benefits. It is filled with antioxidants which protect your body from cell damage by free radicals; it is antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic. It has been used to treat wounds because it is an effective germ killer and aids in tissue regeneration, boosting healing time and reducing infection. It can even sooth a sore through and calm a cough. The best honey for you is the raw, unfiltered honey that is local to your area. It will contain the most beneficial complex of ingredients to support your health.

When purchasing your dried herbs, be sure and look for organic as that ensures they have not been irradiated. Many herbs, particularly ones that have been imported from other countries, have been irradiated, which if not destroys, can greatly reduce the efficacy of the herbs’ delicate essential oils, what gives them their flavor and aroma and, of course, their medicinal properties. 

If you can’t find organic, look for ones with that carry the “non-radiated” label. 

Additionally, store all your herbs in glass or stainless-steel tightly-sealed containers, out of direct sunlight as the volatile oils are susceptible to air. Even stored correctly, they are best used within 3 – 6 months of purchase.

I hope you enjoy this delicious and nourishing herbal tea. May it support your immune system and your health!

* “Thyroid Healing Tea.” Thyroid Healing: the Truth behind Hashimoto's, Graves', Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules & Epstein-Barr, by Anthony William, Hay House, Inc., 2017, pp. 172–173.